Hip Pain

Regenerative Medical Group
Regenerative Medicine Specialists located in Orange, CA and serving all of Orange County.
Over time, hip pain can result in increased pain, weakened leg muscles, and declining mobility if left untreated. Bryn J. Henderson, DO, JD. FACPE and the team at Regenerative Medical Group (RMG) located in Orange, California, and serving all of Orange County, treat the condition using a multidisciplinary and personalized approach for a safe and effective recovery.
Hip pain
Hip pain is a common complaint that may be caused by various factors. Your hip pain's exact location may hold vital information about its underlying cause. You may also feel it in the groin or thigh rather than in the hip.
Illnesses and disorders can occasionally bring on Hip discomfort in other parts of your body, such as your lower back. Referred pain is the name for this kind of discomfort.
What causes hip pain?
There are various causes for hip pain.The most common causes include:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
- Septic arthritis
Bone cancer
Metastatic cancer
Other problems
Medical attention for Hip pain
Osteoarthritis, tendonitis, strained muscle, or tendon is likely to blame for your hip pain. You can experience relief from this most often by using an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen or naproxen.
There are also other options to help relieve pain quickly, such as TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)
It is a fast-acting pain treatment for hip complaints; it stimulates blood circulation and calms the nerves to help you take action against pain.
However, if the hip is bleeding, you can see exposed bone or muscle, you hear a popping sound, or you cannot bear weight on it, you should call your doctor immediately. It would be better to keep an eye out for the following symptoms accompanied by hip pain:
Other scenarios that should prompt a call to your doctor for help:
Sudden hip pain
Hip pain triggered by a fall or injury
Bleeding or deformed joints
Popping noise in the injured joint
Intense pain
Inability to put any weight on your hip
Inability to move your leg or hip
At Regenerative Medical Group we help your body rejuvenate itself by stimulating innate healing abilities. We provide a myriad of these regenerative services to alleviate your pain or discomfort.
What are the services provided by RMG?
Injections such as PRP, prolotherapy, and other injections into the affected area to help repair and revitalize degenerated and damaged tissues
Peptide therapy which assists in the repair of your muscles and tissues, suppresses chronic inflammation, and reduces muscle soreness
Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) to help increase your range of motion, improve function, and reduce pain or painful spasms in the affected area
IV therapy that offers a combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutrition to help nourish your bones for better strength and quicker recovery
Physical therapy which is an exercise program that focuses on strengthening your hip and helps recover and improve your range of motion
Our Services
Annual Physicalmore info
Brain Trainingmore info
Immunotherapymore info
IV Infusion Therapymore info
Medicare Annual Wellnessmore info
Medication Therapy Managementmore info
MSK Injectionmore info
Neuromuscular Rehabilitationmore info
Osteopathic Manipulative Treatmentmore info
Primary Caremore info
Virtual Realitymore info
Low Back Painmore info
Shoulder Painmore info
Hip Painmore info
Knee Painmore info
Chest Painmore info
Elbow Painmore info
Foot & Ankle Painmore info
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapymore info
NAD+IVmore info
Neurofeedbackmore info
DEXA Scanmore info
SOT Therapymore info