MSK Injection

Regenerative Medical Group
Regenerative Medicine Specialists located in Orange, CA and serving all of Orange County.
In many cases, chronic musculoskeletal pain has a link to hard-to-heal soft-tissue damage. If you suffer from chronic or persistent pain, Bryn J. Henderson DO, JD. FACPE, CIME, and the team at Regenerative Medical Group located in Orange, California, and serving all of Orange County, offer safe and effective Musculoskeletal injection therapy. To learn more about Musculoskeletal injection, book online or call one of the offices today.
Musculoskeletal Injection Q & A
There are various ways to treat Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, some of the treatments involve injecting substances in the site of pain. Injection method is used to relieve pain and speed up your body’s regeneration process naturally. A lubricant that occurs naturally in your body is used as one form of injection method. Osteoarthritis patients can reduce joint pain and stiffness by injecting the lubricant in the areas lacking the fluid.
Musculoskeletal injection may also help:
Inhibit inflammation
Slow down the progression of degenerative diseases
Stimulate the formation of new cartilage
Increase the production of natural lubricating fluid, thereby easing painful joint friction
Reduce pain
The course of action:
Musculoskeletal injection is a highly effective treatment for tendinopathies, such as tennis elbow; such conditions take a very long time to subside without treatment. However, there are a variety of other MSK conditions for which intra-articular, trigger point injection could be effective. Furthermore, the procedure is safe from any significant side effects.We provide anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving injections directly to the joint or soft tissues causing pain.
How are Musculoskeletal injections delivered?
Under aseptic conditions, the physician will insert a needle and guide it into the area of inflammation with the help of ultrasound. Then the provider will inject a local mixture into the area of inflammation. After the needle is removed, hot/cold packs are applied followed by application of a bandaid on the needle insertion point. The needle is a similar size to a vaccination needle and thinner than a blood-taking needle, so the bandaid is only needed for approximately 2 hours.
Acromioclavicular joint sprain
Adhesive capsulitis/open shoulder
Calcific tendinitis
Impingement/bursitis - pain on flexion and abduction
Long head of biceps tendinopathy
Osteoarthritis of shoulder joint
Rotator cuff tendinopathy
Cubital tunnel syndrome
Distal bicep tendinopathy
Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)
Olecranon bursitis
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Osteoarthritis of the joints of the hand
Trigger finger
Wrist tendon tenosynovitis
Chronic ligament strain
Osteoarthritis of knee joint
Pes anserine bursitis
Hamstring tendinopathy
Ischial bursitis
Trochanteric bursitis
Ankle and subtalar joints
Intermetatarsal bursitis
Morton’s neuroma
MTPJ of the big toe (big toe joint)
Plantar fasciitis
Retrocalcaneal bursitis
Some people may experience soreness in the injected area(s) for about 2-3 days after the injection, it is the common symptom of the anti-inflammatory process. In case if the pain progresses as the day passes by, reach out to us immediately.
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MSK Injectionmore info
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